Are all leaders entrepreneurs? Or are all entrepreneurs leaders? Without a doubt, leaders and entrepreneurs share that same passion for innovation and improvement, since both are expected to always be at the top of their game. Entrepreneurs are basically the risk takers who bring something new to the market, unsure whether their product or service will succeed or fail. Leaders, on the other hand, do not necessarily have to be responsible for an innovation or market-changing idea. Instead, they keep every business operation in check, motivate their subordinates to do a good job, and maintain a healthy relationship among employees, customers, and workers.
In a way, entrepreneurship indeed means leading, for they guide the way towards something that has not been done before. Although they may not have actual employees to lead just yet, they still hold qualities of a leader such as grit, perseverance, respect for others, and good communication skills. They are in constant need for improvement, and are somewhat gutsy when it comes to taking risks because of how much they believe in their product. To accept the responsibility of being, let’s say, a general manager or CEO, means having to deal with different personalities, being able to stay calm amidst chaos, and having the courage to make hard decisions. Yes, an entrepreneur and a leader may thrive in different situations, but they have more things in common than people think.