“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”, they say. “Don’t get involved with those guys, they’re bad people”, your mother once warned you. It’s true – our friends have a big impact on our lives. From the way we talk, to the activities we grow to enjoy, and how we see the world, all have a direct line to our relationship with our peers.
Take this instance, for example. If a friend from your circle goes to this nice beach, the next time your family plans an outing, you would suggest that beach. It is because you want to experience the same thing as your friend to stay in the loop and maybe have something to converse with them the next time you see them. The same goes for when your significant other tries this new exercise – you too would want to engage more with the one you love by trying out something that they like. But friendship goes beyond lifestyle habits and quirks, but it is also a reflection of how we see ourselves. If a friend treats you badly, you may feel as though you are not worth their time and respect even if you treat them in a favorable way. This is a negative aspect of friendships that we must strive to control, so here are a few ways on how to deal with your so called “friends”.
If a friend constantly cancels on you after all your attempts to catch up and spend time with them, or they make you feel as though you are a bother to them, try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are going through something personal, which is causing them to backlash on the people around them. Give them space instead of bashing them to your friends, or blocking them on all forms of social media. Surround yourselves with those who make you feel good, and are sure to value the company you offer them. You are not the reflection of those who are not able to love you, and you should not rely on others to feel loved and worthy, either. Be smart in choosing the right friends and people to share your life with, and know when your friends and their beliefs are taking control over your own set of thoughts and perceptions of the world.