If your kids never feel like going to school or doing their homework, constantly nagging them won’t make things better for either of you. Try considering these tricks the next time your child throws a tantrum or refuses to finish those Kumon exercises.

  1. Reward them

Give them something to work for. May it be an extra few minutes on the computer or getting their favorite dessert after school, the little pushes of motivation will go a long way. Try not to drown them in material rewards, but focus more on verbal praises and acts of appreciation for their efforts. The reward system also teaches them that their hard work will bear fruits, and nothing they want in life comes easy.

  1. Show that you care

Asking them about their day or what did they learn in school can keep them motivated to actually pay attention and be productive. Showing that you care also goes beyond that – it could mean going to educational field trips over the weekend, or talking about the importance of education. Being positive in terms of their education means a lot to them, and it means a lot for kids to know that their parents have their backs, even through the highs and lows.

  1. Know your child

Embrace their imperfections, and know their strengths. Maybe a reason why they do not like going to school is because of the difference in teaching/ learning habits. Figure out which environment is your child most comfortable in, and know what gets them interested. From there, try to incorporate their interests into school to encourage them to put more importance in education.
Whatever the case, you must always lead by example. Kids nowadays pick up things so quickly, and you are definitely their first teachers. Show them the importance of education and working hard for their dreams, support them in their endeavors, and the rest will follow.