One of the most spent on luxuries consists of vanity products which are often commercialized to be a necessity – and despite knowing all the marketing strategies and propaganda brands do to get you to buy the newest and coolest make-up, consumers still fall into their hands which causes them another swipe from their shiny black credit cards. But who are they to blame? Make-up is great. Make-up is life-changing. Make-up transforms. Make-up boosts courage. Make-up makes us feel beautiful.
Perhaps not everyone may share the same sentiments, but I’d like to think it’s safe to say at least a group of women would agree. Make-up makes them feel beautiful, and although that might not be the worst thing, acknowledging that reality could be quite alarming. Does hiding behind layers of foundation and concealer a reason to feel beautiful? Is it only when dark circles and blemishes are masked that we can only truly call ourselves beautiful?
Amidst all the craze that follows beauty and make-up, consumers often tend to overlook what’s right in front of their eyes – SKIN. Consumers are blinded by the make-up culture. Sure, make-up rules, but its magic expires. So let me tell you this – go and put your make-up aside because skincare is the new black.
Skincare might just be the answer to most of your prayers – so hear me out; here’s a few tips and reasons to invest more on skincare over make-up:
First, improving your skincare can reduce the amount of make-up you’ll ever feel the need to apply to your face. Truth is, it’s convenient to be able to mask uneven skin tone with make-up, however, it’s still a band-aid solution and can be quite tiring. Instead, opt to start healing your skin.
Second, learn to know more about your skin and what it needs. Understanding your skin helps you choose what type of make-up products to actually use to be able to fully maximize its effectivity. You might be wasting too much money and effort on products that don’t actually work; so listen to your body.
Third, get that clear, soft, surface you can work with everyday. Because what’s better than covering up your uneven skin tone, dark circles, and blemishes? Getting rid of them completely.
Last but not the least, aging happens. It’s inevitable. And when it comes, it brings evidence of what we did and didn’t do when we were younger. Protect it.
Always remember that our skin is the largest organ in our body – protect it like your heart. Feed it the good stuff. Make-up is temporary, skin is forever.