If you are convinced that going green requires a lot of money (since eco-friendly products and appliances are generally more expensive), then we at Beautypreneur will prove you wrong today. Contrary to popular belief, being eco friendly can both save the environment and your own wallets. Here are a few examples.

  1. Bring a tumblr or thermos to your coffee shop instead of availing of their plastic or paper cups.
  2. Always bring around a reusable paper/eco-bag when you go grocery shopping and pass on the plastic bags.
  3. Have a handkerchief in your wallet and refrain from using paper towels.
  4. LED bulbs are the best at conserving energy.
  5. Solar powered lawn mowers can save your own energy as well!
  6. Get your hands on a battery recharger so that you never have to dispose old batteries again.
  7. Have a friend from work living nearby? Try catching a ride instead of spending on gas for two separate vehicles!
  8. Fix up any leakages in your home to save water.
  9. Veggies are good for you, so try cutting down on the meat.
  10. Unplug appliances that are not in use, since some appliances still consume energy even when they are not in use!

These are only a few of the many ways wherein you too can benefit from taking steps towards a cleaner and hopefully less polluted world. If you have any additional suggestions on how to be eco-friendly this 2018, feel free to comment down below!