One thing that every Filipino can agree on is that the traffic in our country is terrible. It keeps us in the car for hours, taking away our time for something more productive. There are many factors that contribute to the manila gridlock, such as the excess of cars, lack or inefficiency of public transportation and infrastructures, and the various institutions that cause jams.
The Philippine Daily Inquirer noted in an article that vehicle sales have grown over the last year, probably due to the rise in demand for transportation services like Uber and Grab, or the lack of auto sales restrictions, laws and regulations. The government and the MMDA have suggested solutions like carpooling and implementing a law wherein you are only allowed to use a car if there are at least 3 passengers in the car, building a subway system, ban street-side parking around the whole Metro Manila, and improving the conditions and maintenance of the MRT and LRT.
This carmageddon is definitely frustrating and time consuming, but that doesn’t mean you cannot make the most out of your wait in the car. If you’re not driving, you can opt to work on your laptop or phone, or even read a book either on hard copy or online! Another alternative would be to use your time catching up with whoever is in the car, or sending a few texts telling your loved ones about your busy day. You can also use your time to plan out the days ahead of you, or reevaluate certain decisions.