“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”

Elizabeth Gilbert led me to believe that we have complete dominance over what we do, how we feel, who we choose to love, and what we make of ourselves. Once in a while, some of us try to make room in our busy schedules to spend time doing the things we love – which is undeniably great – but in reality,  not everyone has the luxury to sporadically take a one year vacation for self discovery – just like what Elizabeth Gilbert did in her memoir “Eat, Pray, Love.”

Although, it’s still easy to identify ourselves with her whenever we lie awake at night wondering if there is more to life than a nine to five job, or a long term relationship that seems to be going nowhere. It’s true – it happens. But if you feel stuck and confined within the walls of your daily calculated routine, take a deep breath and regain your focus. Spiritual, mental, and emotional enlightenment is just as important to gain contentment in life – and here at Beautypreneur, we’ll try to help you pave your way through self-actualization, our style.

Phase 1: EAT

Make it a point to squeeze in a bit of leisure wherever you go – business trips, normal work days, and holidays. Easiest form of leisure – eat. You don’t even need to travel to get the taste of the world – you can do it right in the same community as where you live. Indulge. Experience different cultures through taste. Try that new Korean restaurant four blocks from your office – you never know you might just enjoy that kimchi you’ve been avoiding to taste. Explore all your options, and learn something new about your world and yourself everyday.

Phase 2: PRAY

We  wouldn’t want to force any religious practice on you – because we want you to do you. But do you while learning to be more thankful. Be thankful of even the littlest things – that you’re breathing, that you woke up today, that you have a home to come back to, that you have people who love you (even if you may not know it, somebody does). Appreciating the things you don’t usually give much attention to and gratitude for may be able to give you that feeling of lightness – something I often get when praying. Talk to someone. Letting yourself be heard, even your most inner troubling thought can uplift any feeling of burden your shoulders have been carrying. Have faith. If things aren’t working the way you’d wish it to go, have faith and trust that it will – maybe not soon, but in time.

Phase 3: LOVE

No, we’re not making you look for someone to give your heart to. No pressure here. Love simply. Love all there is to love in this world. We don’t want to restrict your journey to find love just for the sake of holding someone close at night or having someone to call on a bad day, but love is for everything. Find love in your work, in your pet, in your book, in your most precious underwear, in your tea, and in yourself. Give your love to strangers, to someone making life hard for you – even if you don’t think they deserve it, and maybe even to the unknown. It’s only then you’ll know what is truly worth loving.

These little reminders, our little stepping stones to self-love and deeper appreciation for the things around us does not have to happen overnight. You are a perpetual work in progress; making mistakes and getting your heart broken means that you are actually living life and learning in the process. Also remember to take things at your own time. At the end of the day, yes you have to work hard – but always cap it off with some adventure!