Cosmetology is more than just mixing substances to create the right skin tone shades, or producing an ultra hydrating moisturizer. According to Leaf TV, Cosmetology “includes the study of hygiene and sanitation, microorganisms and the human body (especially the skin, nails, hair and the scalp); chemistry of tints, bleaches and hairsprays; and electricity and lighting in a salon. The branch of science encompasses every component and factor that could affect the human body, or alter products applied on the skin. It also deals with diseases and conditions, and tries to find the best solutions for it
Makeup and skin care products is all about chemistry, and cosmetologists have to study the reaction of these chemicals on varying skin types and weather conditions. May it be in relation to hair, face or nails, there is a reason behind every ingredient and every application instruction. A cosmetologist can focus on nails, skin, clinical procedures and treatments, perfumes, and many more. It’s important that when we have our monthly derma visit or facials, we are handled by professionals who know what they are doing.
If you would like to take up a career in a hair salon or dermatology clinic, there are cosmetology courses available in the Philippines. Online courses are not advisable since a part of the course requires interaction and practice in application or handling, so you may need to spend a few hours in your week in a center or university that offers cosmetology.