Experts recommend that people avoid leaving their homes as much as possible to avoid the possibility of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. The quarantine that has been imposed is there to help limit the spread of the virus by restricting people from interacting with others face-to-face. However, despite the unprecedented situation, some things have remained the same such as having to pay for electricity bills and needing to put food on the table.

The challenge many face in this new normal is finding a way to get work done. The restrictions put in place make it difficult to go to the office, so the adjustment to work-from-home had to be made. Though this is good for public safety, working-from-home does have its own obstacles. Here are 5 essentials to get you productive at home.


1. Dedicated Workspace

A good place to start would be a nice, solid desk and a comfortable chair, but you have to do your best to make the space as distraction-free as possible. The work-from-home arrangement has not become the norm because people tend to be less productive when they are in the comfort of their own home.

Try to designate a room or a workspace that is isolated from the things at home that distract your most. Setup your workspace similarly as you would the desk at your office. Make sure it has adequate light and space to do what you have to, be it type on a computer, write, or read.


2. Reliable & Fast Internet

All jobs in this day-and-age require you to have access to the internet. This is the case more than ever when working-from-home. The few tasks you used to do in person such as holding team meetings now have to be done online. Be it through your phone, tablet, or computer, chances are the way you communicate with your boss, staff, or teammates is through the internet.

Now would be the perfect time to invest in a fast, reliable internet connection. When working-from-home, you will rely heavily on your internet connection, and the time you lose when having to wait for something to load or when you disconnect can directly translate to lost opportunities and profits.


3. Efficient Laptop or Desktop Computer

Though mobile phones and tablet devices have made strides in recent years when it comes to their computing power, the programs that run on them are still lite versions of what you can use on a laptop or desktop computer. There are many programs, especially those that require coding, that can only run on dedicated computers.

An efficient computer will help you complete tasks and run productivity programs a lot faster, and it gives you the leverage to multitask more seamlessly than you could on a phone or table. It also comes with the added bonus of a physical keyboard that is more ergonomic than typing on the screen. They also tend to have terabytes of storage, meaning you can save as many office files as you need to.


 4. Work Management and Collaboration Tools

A computer and fast internet are always good to have on hand, but you have to be smart in order to make the most out of them. Working-from-home means that you have to be more resourceful when it comes to how to get work done, but it also means you have to figure out ways to get others to work better as well.

Work environments require collaborative efforts, and working-from-home makes communication difficult. Thankfully, tools have been developed to help with this. Work Management tools such as ClickUp and Asana were made to help teams organize and complete projects more efficiently by providing a way to assign and track tasks easily. Collaboration tools like Slack and Zoom make communicating with team members no matter where they are a possibility. By utilizing these programs and the tools available, you can optimize your performance as well as the performance of the people working around you.


5. Work-life Balance

According to Bloomberg, people were surprised to discover that ditching the commute increased productivity, lowered stress, and promoted a healthier lifestyle. However, a separate survey found that 45% of people working-from-home said they were burned out by the increased workload, juggling personal and professional life, and the lack of support from their employer.

Working-from-home does not automatically mean that you have work-life balance, but it gives you the opportunity to have better control. You have more control of your workspace and even your hours, so it is important that you manage these things properly. Avoid getting too distracted so you can stay productive, but also don’t get too engrossed in your work that you start taking the people around you for granted.

It is understandable to feel anxious in these trying times and for your family to feel the same way. That is why it is important to always look after your health, both physically and mentally, and to look after the people in your home. Outside of your work hours, remember to spend time with the people in your home and try to keep each other’s spirits up.



It is hard to give a timeline for how long the current situation will last, but many people are calling it the new normal for a reason. It is best to get yourself used to how things are as soon as possible, and it would be even better for you, your family, and your business to make the best of a difficult situation as early as now. With the essentials listed here, you equip yourself with the tools needed to keep on keeping on.


Photo by  Ken Tomita from Pexels