It is advantageous to have an effective leader, but it is empowering if everyone knows how to be a leader themselves. Successful women leaders know this. They do not wait for their versions of Prince Charming. They, themselves, actualize what they envision and take the lead on everything and everyone that matters to them. Do you want to know how they carve their own paths? Read on.


Women leaders defy conformity, limitations

Most women are being judged as weak simply because they show their feelings. Normally, this is deemed disadvantageous because showing emotions is thought as being soft or vulnerable. This is not the case for women who are aware and handle their feelings very well. In fact, they reap success because they let their feelings lead them to understand what others need. It is vital, particularly in management. Whether it is business or personal, products or services, employees or clients, people are driven by their emotions and not by their logic alone. Aren’t customers’ desires what make sales, employees’ enthusiasm that run companies, and happiness that drives success?

Today’s women leaders also defy conformity to the standards of the others. They are not geared to comply with what is only required; they also go extra mile to thrive. This is why more and more women are visible in different fields, even in the arenas that deemed dominated by men like Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors (GM) and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.


They find a way to balance play and work

A working woman, especially a mother, has a lot on her plate. She needs to find a way to balance her work life and her personal life in order to give her family the support that they need. This is not an easy task, but women leaders find a way to cope.

Working moms or female breadwinners may struggle to find the balance between flourishing their careers and nurturing their families. In addition, they may have a hard time finding ways to relax and enjoy themselves. However, great women leaders find balance by strategizing or giving weight to what is valuable to them. Arianna Huffington, the founder and former editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, made time to meditate and have complete sleeping hours. Sheryl Sandberg, the billionaire Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, does not work beyond 6PM so that she can be with her family.

Huffington and Sandberg are only a couple of examples who prove that being a leader and woman is not a problem.  In fact, they show how amazing it is to be a well-rounded person. It is doable when people find life outside their work, which in turn make them dynamic, productive, and positive at work.


They are successful because they are flexible

Many female entrepreneurs are innately flexible. You see them handling multiple tasks with grace or managing different businesses with pride, but these are things they can do because of flexibility. Their flexibility is what makes them resourceful, creative, collaborative, and innovative women leaders.

They can find solutions to problems in the best way that they can.  They don’t stick to plan A or plan B, when they can create better plans from C to Z.  But in order to do these, they have no qualm with seeking advice or collaborating with the other experts. By being flexible, they can come up with innovative ideas.

Women leaders’ flexible approach also makes them effective mediators to end gaps and disagreements. They also can adapt and enable changes for the greater good of their companies.


There are many characteristics that make strong women leaders, and these are just a few examples. However, these characteristics are a good place to start. With a strong foundation of being willing to think outside the box and be flexible while still putting importance to the things that really matter, you will be well on your way to becoming a strong woman leader.


Photo by mentatdgt fromPexels