As the new year rolls in, so does a world of chances. Everyone loves the new year because of its perceived “fresh start”,  so best if we take advantage of this clean slate. The first step in moving forward is of course, letting go of the past. Take all your mistakes as a learning experience, and realize that these events or happenings undoubtedly contribute to your personal strength and character. Whether you are entering 2018 with an uncertainty or a heart filled with optimism, these incremental changes in how you live your day to day life may help you make the most out of the year.

  1. Commit to a change in lifestyle

It does not have to be as drastic as going to the gym thrice a week or going vegan, but you can definitely try eating more fruits, avoiding fizzy drinks, or cutting down on vices. Many people take their bodies for granted, but being the healthiest version of yourself can lead to other benefits – including mental and emotional, so better get to it! You can also opt for better saving habits,

  1. Try being an optimist

Even if you had the most horrible day at work, or your relationship problems are ruining your mood, try your hardest to see some good in the world. Finding something positive in your day to remind yourself that although bad or unexpected things may happen, you are still in control of your happiness.  

  1. Cut down on social media

It’s about time you get your head out of your screen and into the clouds. Live in the moment rather than record it, because the best memories are made when you surrender completely to what is happening. Try not to check Instagram every 5 minutes and instead, be more observant of your surroundings. Try to talk to someone in person rather than on a media platform and have more genuine conversations.
Whatever your goals may be in 2018 (and trust me, it’s important to set achievable goals), remember that you are a perpetual work in progress. In order to be happy and satisfied, you need to put in constant effort into achieving your goals. May these suggestions help you towards self improvement, and may you also serve as an inspiration for others to do the same. Happy New Year!