It’s time to debunk myths and find out the truth on the stubborn lumpy and dimpled appearances on the skin found in areas like the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. Although it is not a medical condition that you need to be alarmed about, it is definitely not the best of views on your body. It’s true that cellulite appears more often in women than in men, since the fat distribution is different for the two sexes. Other common reasons for cellulite are genetics and an inactive lifestyle.
One common misconception on cellulite is that it only appears on unfit people. This however, is not the case. Age can also cause an increase in cellulite, and having a fit lifestyle could still leave even a bit of fat in areas where the connective tissues create a rippling or dimpling effect. However, exercise can reduce its visibility by adding muscle to the cellulite-prone areas. Another myth would be that topical creams reduce cellulite. There has not been any concrete study proving the effectiveness of skin firming creams, aside from the subtle thickening of skin to slightly cover up the bumps. Skin fillers, on the other hand, do plump up the skin. The downsides to this solution are the costing and temporary improvements, since fillers do not last forever.
The truth is that our body will always have imperfections. Some can be solved by science, others are still mysteries waiting to be cracked. Cellulite in particular is a natural occurrence. You are not alone, and instead of sulking because of a minor flaw, you can work on other aspects that make you who you are – beautiful and strong.