Congratulations on moving into your new condo! You must have a thousand ideas running through your brain right now, especially when it comes to decorating your new space. “Does this rug look better with the couch?”, “Should I hang this painting or buy that vase instead?”. The possible looks of your unit are endless, so you have to decide which look you are most comfortable with seeing everyday, and it has to match your personality. Here at beautypreneur, we do not just give you aesthetic solutions for the skin, but for your homes as well. Find out a few things you might want to consider as you enter the condo life.
A useful tip when trying to conserve energy and save up on your electrical bill (that can also apply to homes as well), is to unplug appliances that you are not using. Apparently, even if appliances are turned off, there is such a thing called phantom power or idle current that still takes up electricity! Unplugging your tv or air conditioning unit when you go out for work may help you save some money.
When it comes to decorating your place, try considering adding a touch of nature. You are most likely situated in a busy city, surrounded by buildings and a perpetual business buzz. You’re lucky if you’ll be able to find a park or a few trees nearby, so you might as well bring the nature to your home. If actual plants are too cumbersome to maintain, artificial plants will suffice. Another thing to consider in decorating (that most people tend to neglect) – the lighting. Lighting up your place well can give the illusion of more space, and it definitely lightens the mood every time you step in. Add a funky chandelier or an eyecatching lamp to brighten up your condominium.
It is also best to know the amenities of your building, and best make the most out of them. Most condominiums have pools and gyms, perfect for unwinding time after a long day at work. This will help you save on spending for a gym membership elsewhere, plus it is convenient since it is in the same building.
With every purchase, may it be a decor or appliance, always make sure that it will serve its purpose. Invest in things that are durable, and contribute to an overall aesthetic that is pleasing to you. Most of all, have fun dressing up your new home! Say hello to your neighbors, and don’t be afraid to explore new things.