For those who think that climate change means a mere increase in temperature by a degree or two, you are greatly mistaken. Sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, and we are basically disrupting the balance of our ecosystem. Because of all the wastes and fuels we are burning and trapping in our atmosphere, the results are near irreversible.
In 2015, the leaders of many nations came together for the Paris Climate Conference. There, they agreed to keep temperature increases to a minimum, and strive for a two degree decrease from their current temperatures per annum. However, the efforts of these countries mean nothing if the whole world will not cooperate. We are heating up the world we live in, living dangerously to the point that these numbers surpass the predictions of scientists. At the rate we are going, the next generation – our kids generation, will carry the burden and pressure to undo all our mistakes.
Although we have little control over the CO2 emissions of factories, we do have a say in what wastes we put out in the world. There are countless ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and it is about time we take global warming seriously.